Monday, February 05, 2007

Spacerock With Me....

The Yummy Fur - Shoot The Ridiculant

The Yummy Fur are probably most famous for hosting two members of Franz Ferdinand in one of their many line-ups, that's a bit unfortunate really, as they recorded some cracking songs and should be remembered for that.
The ever constant in The Yummy Fur was John McKeown on vocals and guitar duty, who formed the band in Glasgow in 1992, and over the next 6 years recorded three albums and released one compilation, along with a whole bunch of singles before calling it a day.

The sound of the majority of The Yummy Furs records isn't a million miles away from the FF boys sound, a bit rougher and a bit madder, all good things to my ears though!

This track is taken from their last album 'Sexy World' which was recorded in 1998, and it was also released as their last single.
It's a shame I recon, as this is a bloody ace track, kind of Quickspace Supersport meets Air via Stereolab and The Stranglers... or something!!!!!

John McKeown has since got a new band together with former Yummy Jamie McMorrow called 1990s, and from what I've heard are every bit as good as The Yummy Fur.

Buy - The Yummy Fur - Night Club - had to laugh at this, check the price out, then the little marker that says Low Price... Ha!
There's not much else out there to buy I'm afraid, check out your local charity shop or something!
Visit - The Yummy Fur
Visit - 1990s
Visit - 1990s @ MySpace


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