Thursday, August 12, 2004


It's becoming more and more apparent that people aren't actually reading anything that is written here, and possibly just remotely leeching the tracks without even visiting the site via Wget or some other lazy bastards way of scabbing.

Yesterday both me and Rowche posted tracks in the comment's... wasn't intentional, just happened that way.

but as it turned out I made an interesting discovery....

While the tracks on the main page got their customary hundreds of downloads, the tracks we posted in the comments didn't even reach double figures.... Combined!

Now I know that not many people comment on stuff, which is a bit of a shame as me and most other bloggers out there put quite a lot of time and effort into posting tracks (and before you say anything... Yes I'm doing it for the love of the music and not the Kudos and shouldn't expect any thanks... But it's so nice when people comment, kind of makes bloggers feel happier about doing it, and that people are actually reading!),Where was I????.... oh yeah!, but when some nice people out there do go to the trouble of commenting it appears that no one is reading what they have to say either....

I don't really know why I'm writing this to be honest as no one is probably gonna read it and I'm not even sure what my point is.....

As you were...



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