Sunday, May 14, 2006

All Change....

Mike Seed - Lee Harwood

I'm very happy to announce that Mike Seed is about to release his second album for SVC following last years 'Songs For The Wintering Show Troupe'...
And it's bloody brilliant...
It's a whole lot noisier in places than 'Show Troupe', but Mike has also tapped in to the psychedelic Kinksian part of his brain and come up with some wonderfully jarred and twisted pop moments.
It's going to be a bit of a beauty.
It will be released on 22nd of May and will cost the usual bargain price of £3 for a glorious 256kbps album and full print quality artwork.

Visit - Mike Seed @ SVC
Visit - Mike Seed
Visit - Mike Seed @ the wonderful Anticlock Records

I've also put all the current SVC Records freebie tracks in a handy little player for you to use and abuse as you so desire....

Visit - SVC Records


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